Dramatically improve your next self-tape audition, guaranteed!


Self-Tape Transformation Masterclass

What would it be worth if you knew with 100% certainty there was something that was guaranteed to dramatically improve your self-tape auditions and increase your chances of landing the part?

Self-taping has become the single most important skill that actors need to thrive.

With hundreds of actors competing for the same job, no matter how talented you may be, you simply won’t get booked or land your dream job unless you can creatively, quickly, and consistently create attention-getting self-tape auditions.

While many don’t understand the essential basics of sound and production quality, others feel lost auditioning without feedback or guidance from casting directors. You invest precious time, money, and emotional energy in one audition after another. This relentless discouragement can make you question your self-worth and even your decision to be an actor in the first place.

The few actors who learn how to quickly, creatively, and reliably submit attention-getting auditions gain a serious advantage!

That’s where I come in. I've spent over 40 years teaching celebrities and top actors how to audition. Here at my acting studio in the heart of LA, we work with hundreds of actors every year, so we know what works (and what doesn’t). We have countless incredible success stories to prove it. Until now, these life-changing learning experiences have only been available to professional actors in the LA area. With my 7-Day Self-Tape Transformation, you'll have access to the same lessons I teach my famous clients.

Don't spend years wasting your time, money, and emotional energy feeling lost or unsure. Get the guidance and insight you need to nail your auditions. My 7-Day Self-Tape Transformation Masterclass is guaranteed to give you the confidence, insight, skills, and understanding to dramatically improve your self-tape auditions. Why would you do another audition without it?

Start the 7-Day Self-Tape Transformation Masterclass today!

To your success!

Margie Haber

P.S. – The most fulfilling and exciting part of your acting journey is about to begin.

Self-Tape Coaching and Transformation

In this masterclass, you'll join me and one of my students for a laser-focused self-tape audition transformation. You'll see how I teach my students to quickly, confidently, and reliably bring your self-tape auditions to life!

You'll be right there as I reveal step-by-step how to live the life of the character. You'll experience the incredible difference when a good audition transforms it into something truly special. You'll discover how rewarding and fulfilling a self-tape audition can be when you know exactly what to focus on on.

Here at my LA studio, I usually charge $250 an hour for one-on-one audition coaching. But now, you can gain access to the same lessons and insights as my celebrity clients (at a fraction of the cost).

Before – Common Struggles with Self Tape Auditions

In this video, you'll see how even talented actors struggle with the common challenges of self-tape auditions.

During – Detailed and Empowering Coaching

You'll see me give detailed and empowering feedback that gets him past his blocks to unleash his true creative potential.

After - Auditioning with Freedom, Creativity and Joy

After coaching, you'll see how he naturally comes to life with spontaneity and creativity. You'll be blown away by the transformation. 

Debrief - Important Takeaways and Insights

After the audition, we break down the most important lessons from the coaching, including the most life-changing insights from the whole process.

Self-Tape Psychology and Technique

My senior course leader, Hamish, and I discuss the biggest mistakes that actors make. You'll learn most important technical and emotional aspects of self-tape auditions.

When it comes to auditions, your perspective and state of mind are the most important things. When you’re nervous and unsure, it shows, but when you have your attention on all the right things, casting directors take notice. You'll learn essential industry insights that every actor needs to know.

Creating Relationships

When you understand the wide spectrum of relationships that are shaping you and your character in every moment, auditions become intuitive and creative. 

Incorporating History

Learn how to quickly create a rich history of memories, experiences, and perspectives that make it easy to bring your characters to life with authenticy and charisma.

Seeing the Environment

Learn how to create a visual experience of your environment that's full of details and information which 'feeds' you and your character.

Learn What's Inside the Mind of the Director

You'll finally understand how directors choose one actor from among hundreds. Discover the surprising truth about what they look for and how you can stand out with your next self-tape audition.

In this session, I sit down with award-winning film director Elissa Down to unpack what it really means to stand out and have charisma. Elissa gives clear, real-world examples of choosing a single actor from among hundreds. She explains why some people's auditions shine and others get dismissed. You may be shocked by how simple and easy these essential insights are to apply to your own self-tape auditions.

What a Director Looks for in Your Self Tape Auditions

Elissa describes how she selects a single actor from among thousands of hopeful auditions. She shares exactly what first impressions make her excited to work with an actor.

Script Comprehension for Emotional Believability

The way you think about a part is just as important as your performance. Elissa explains how actors need to understand the layers of their character in any situation.

Essential Elements of Improvisation & Creativity

Elissa talks about how she looks for actors who are able to fully inhabit their characters and find ways to merge pieces of themselves into the performance. 

BONUS 1: Celebrity Self-Tape Audition Success Story with Rushi Kota

In this session, you’ll hear inspiring success stories from one of my celebrity students, Rushi Kota. You’ll discover why he credits his incredible career in film and television to the exact same skills that you’ll learn in this course. Rushi explains how self-tape has become his secret superpower, bringing him the creative and financial prosperity he always dreamed of. It’s amazing to hear him describe exactly how he approaches his self-tape auditions and why he feels so confident and free.

How Self-Tape Mastery Made His Dream Carrer

Learn how Rushi's confidence and success have come from the self-tape audition skills that you’re about to learn with this course.

Emotional Struggles and Breakthrough Triumphs

Rushi shares his biggest audition mistakes. He explains how these skills helped him turn it all around to achieve his most triumphant moments.

The Joy and Freedom of Self-Tape Confidence

We celebrate the freedom, fulfillment, and life-changing results that Rushi has gotten from his unique and empowering approach to acting and auditions.

BONUS 2: Your Most Important Audition Questions Answered!

To create this valuable bonus session, we surveyed hundreds of actors about their self-tape fears and frustrations. Then, I sat down with my senior course leader, Hamish Sturgon, to unpack the biggest and most important problems actors face with self-tape. This amazing conversation is jam-packed with valuable wisdom and insight. You’ll learn how to identify self-sabotaging thoughts and transform them into confidence and clarity.

BONUS 3: Acting Without Fear

For actors who can’t join us here at our LA acting studio, we recorded this special session where I answered questions about my philosophy and approach. You’ll discover that the reason my teaching works is that I empower actors to love the creative process (and love their lives). When you are totally immersed in the power of your own creative potential, it’s the most fulfilling experience, and casting directors will notice! You'll get valuable guidance on what to do when you feel nervous or stressed about an audition.

BONUS 4: Complete Self-Tape Technical Guide

Learn how to set things up, avoid mistakes, and nail what really matters. Self-taping can be nerve-wracking when you don't know the basics, so my team and I have compiled a downloadable PDF with clear instructions to help you navigate the self-taping process with ease. These tips will help you stop worrying about the technical stuff so you can focus on being creative and enjoying the process.

• How to choose the right location for your self-tape
• What you need to know about good (and bad) lighting
• How to choose the right camera
• Good audio on a lean budget
• How to quickly familiarize yourself with the script
• What you need to know about composition and framing
• What to wear and how to present yourself
• Working with a reader
• How to review, select, and edit your audition
• Slates and how to introduce yourself the right way
• How to leverage the creative advantages of self-tape auditions


ASLO INCLUDED: You'll get the same script we use in the self-tape coaching transformation.

Download the PDF and use the script to bring the character to life in your own unique way! Try what you learned from the coaching sessions to see how easy it really is to apply these lessons to your own self-tape auditions.

ALSO INCLUDED: Practices and exercises that build skills and develop insight

Practice and turn your inspiration and insights into skills that you can count on. This training includes exercises that will help you become fluent and confident in bringing your self-tape characters to life. You're not just practicing how to audition; you're practicing how to think about auditions in a way that makes them feel natural, authentic, and fulfilling.

100% Self-Tape Masterclass 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

I know this stuff works, and I only want you to pay if you get the life-changing value that you’re looking for. Dive into the Masterclass for a full 30 days before you commit. After you have completed the program, if you don't feel like the 7-Day Self-Tape Transformation Masterclass has dramatically improved your self-tape confidence and skill, we'll refund your money. So you've got nothing to lose and only your dream career to gain. It's really that simple!

Actors Feedback and Real-Life Success Stories

My greatest joy as a teacher comes from seeing my students thrive!

"I was nervous about an upcoming self-tape, so I gave this a try. My next attempt was the first time I felt good about a self-tape. I got a call back two days later!"

"I loved watching Margie work with Mason. Her coaching is powerful and easy to understand. I'm doing a self-tape tomorrow, and I can't wait."

"I've been booked, thanks to Margie. She is not just an acting coach; she's like a mentor and a role model. I always feel stronger and better about myself when I watch her teach. I'm not just improving as an actor; I feel like a more capable person."

"Instead of feeling stressed and freaked out, I feel excited to create. I have a new way of thinking about self-tapes thanks to these videos."

"I think I've been making this much harder than it should be. I've been hyper-obsessed with getting work and feeling discouraged. After watching the videos, I realize it's time to shift my focus."

"I'm so happy that I got this course, and I feel excited to try things and express myself more. Margie showed me what it really means to be creative as an actor."

"I'm only sorry that I didn't have this course two years ago. Since then, I've done dozens of self-tape auditions. Now I know they all could have been better."

"I've been a fan for a long time. But now, after watching these videos, I want to come to LA and study with you in person. I'm learning so much. I wish you could see what it means to me and how much I've grown. Thank you so much!"


Praise from My Celebrity Students

These world-famous actors started out just like you! They are living proof that these skills work.

“I came to see Margie, worked with her, got a whole bunch of great ideas and was so prepared to go back. I was going to go get this job and I was gonna knock their socks off because I was so ready.”  – HALLE BERRY 

“There are so many acting teachers out there, and I’ve studied with some of the best, but for auditioning, there’s only Margie.”  – HEATHER LOCKLEAR

“Margie understands actors and is wonderful with them. She has developed a fabulous technique for auditioning and getting the job in a limited amount of time.”  – COLIN EGGLESFIELD 

“Margie Haber is a great teacher for any level of actor. She can help you take your auditioning skills to the next level. She is fantastic in every way.”  – MOLLY SIMS

“Margie Haber was recommended to me. I took her three-day weekend intensive… it reminded me of why I wanted to be an actor… it was a really reinforcing moment in my life.”  – SOPHIA BUSH

“Margie helped me make all kinds of moves” – TIFFANY HADDISH (Girl’s Trip, Like a Boss)

"Margie helped me make a cold script warm” – KYLE CHANDLER (Friday Night Lights, Bloodlines, Carol)

“Margie was the first coach to help me wield my creativity like a superpower” – TERRELL BATTLE (Killing it, Blackish)


Why would you do another self-tape audition without these insights and skills?


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